Main’s consortium-wide eContent platform for digital books & audiobooks is OverDrive (OD) with Advantage Plus, which comes complete with their Libby app! Migration from our old provider, Bibliotheca’s cloudLibrary, was completed at the beginning of 2022. Through the OverDrive Marketplace, every Main library can purchase eContent for their patrons which is shared with the rest of the membership, just like our physical material.

MAIN Training Resources
OverDrive/Libby Quick Tutorials
Checkouts Report Tutorial
Training from OverDrive
OverDrive Marketplace (12/2/21)
On Demand Webinars
Training Kits
How To Videos
Exporting Notes and Highlights
EasyCuration with OverDrive
AdvantageCuration with Magazines
Managing Advantage in Marketplace
Marketing Materials
Posters and Flyers
Social Media Graphics
Customize Your Own