On-Order Library Application Please Select Your Library: —Please choose an option—Berkeley Heights Public LibraryBernards Township LibraryBernardsville Public LibraryBoonton Holmes Public LibraryButler Public LibraryChatham, Library of theChester LibraryDenville Public LibraryDover Free Public LibraryEast Hanover Public LibraryFairfield Free Public LibraryFlorham Park Public LibraryHackettstown Free Public LibraryHunterdon County Library--Bunnvale Branch Library--Frenchtown Branch Library--High Bridge Branch Library--Holland Branch Library--North County Branch Library--South County Branch Library--Readington Branch Library--Tewksbury Branch Library--Three Bridges Branch LibraryJefferson Township Public LibraryKemmerer Library HardingKinnelon Public LibraryLincoln Park Public LibraryLong Hill Township LibraryMadison Public LibraryMendham Borough LibraryMendham Township LibraryMontville Township Public LibraryMorris County LibraryMorris Plains LibraryMorristown & Morris Township LibraryMount Arlington Public LibraryMount Olive Public LibraryMountain Lakes Public LibraryMountainside Public LibraryNew Providence Memorial LibraryParsippany Library-- Lake Hiawatha Branch Library-- Mt Tabor Branch LibraryPequannock Township Public LibraryRandolph Township Free Public LibraryRaritan Public LibraryRiverdale Public LibraryRockaway Borough Public LibraryRockaway Township Free Public Library-- Hibernia Branch LibraryRoxbury Public LibraryWashington Township Public LibraryWharton Public LibraryWhippanong Library (Hanover) Contact Name Contact Email: Contact Phone: On-Order Submission Requirements Books must be published in the past 12 months, or up to 6 months in the future. Adult and juvenile titles will be accepted. Before submitting, it must be first verified that the title is not already in the Main catalog. Corrections to skeletal on-order records must be submitted regularly – full records need to overlay the skeletal on-order records that were used in the first place. A dedicated employee (or duo) needs to be the designated contact person for all things related to on-order submissions, especially the tasks outlined in the bullets above. Employees could of course have many different responsibilities at your library, but the Main office needs to know which person can be contacted if questions arise. Any library approved by the ILS Committee will be able to submit .mrc files from Baker & Taylor’s TitleSource to the cataloging team, but the .mrc file must only contain the on-order titles and the titles still need to be verified as to whether or not they are already in the system. Released & Unreleased Media Submission Process Released and unreleased media cataloging submissions are treated the same. There is no “On Order” process for media. Media can be submitted using either the cataloging form or the spreadsheet, but not a .mrc file. Spreadsheet submissions must include at least the title, type of material, UPC and/or OCLC number, and release date. Titles can be requested up to one month in advance of release date. Before submitting, it must be verified that the title is not already in the Main catalog. Update requests for skeletal records must be submitted regularly. Please explain how your library will meet the above requirements: Designated Contact Info Note: The designated contact is the person responsible for submitting on-order records for your library. ONE is required, but you may add more if you wish. Designated Contact Name 1 Designated Contact Email 1: Designated Contact Name 2 Designated Contact Email 2: Designated Contact Name 3 Designated Contact Email 3: Δ