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Advanced Searching in Leap
Using Leap to search the database allows you to do more precise searches without going to a power search as in our older version of Polaris. You can do bibliographic and item searches with search filters to zero in on what you really need. This is most useful with item searches. Want a list of president’s biographies, biographies of baseball players, fiction set in Paris, or mysteries set in New Jersey?
You can search by any combination of call number, keyword, branch, material code, collection, shelf location, circulation status, statistical code, first available date, and more. You can then use the results to create a record set to keep track of or modify your results.
For example, you can find mysteries set in New Jersey in the Parsippany Main Library, on the shelf, added to the collection after January 1, 2010, by conducting the following search.
Start by selecting the Find Tool. Click the Search database, which is Bibliographic Record by default. Choose Item record.
Choose Call number as your Qualifier and enter the call number prefix mystery. Click the Search filter.
Click ADD CONDITION. Click Assigned Branch and select your branch from the dropdown.
Click the Green Plus button and repeat for all keywords, Circulation Status, and First available date.
Click Apply. If you have already done the search, it will apply the filters to your search. If not, click the Search button.
Choose Record Set Options to create a record set. Name the record set, repeat the search and Save.
You can also check off any of your results and use ADD TO RECORD SET at the bottom of the results list to add them to a new or existing record set.
For more information on Record sets, check
Bill Harrison
Parsippany-Troy Hills Library