Catalog Update Request Form

Step 1: Search using the ISBN number or UPC number of your item (no dashes or spaces, see example below) to see if a request has already been submitted for your item (this search does NOT check the catalog, but only if the item has been requested using this form):

Step 2: Please fill out the form to submit your update request. All items marked with a * are required.

    Please Select Either ISBN or UPC:*

    Please Enter Your Name*

    Please select your library:*

    Please enter your e-mail address:*



    Number of Pages

    Height (in cm, rounded up)


    # of Discs

    Publisher Name

    Publication Date


    Control Number #1*

    Control Number #2 (Note: If you have more than two control numbers, please add the others in the "Notes" field below.)

    Notes/Special Instructions