Bib Record Editing Permissions Application Please Select Your Library: —Please choose an option—Berkeley Heights Public LibraryBernards Township LibraryBernardsville Public LibraryBoonton Holmes Public LibraryButler Public LibraryChatham, Library of theChester LibraryDenville Public LibraryDover Free Public LibraryEast Hanover Public LibraryFairfield Free Public LibraryFlorham Park Public LibraryHackettstown Free Public LibraryHunterdon County Library--Bunnvale Branch Library--Frenchtown Branch Library--High Bridge Branch Library--Holland Branch Library--North County Branch Library--South County Branch Library--Readington Branch Library--Tewksbury Branch Library--Three Bridges Branch LibraryJefferson Township Public LibraryKemmerer Library HardingKinnelon Public LibraryLincoln Park Public LibraryLong Hill Township LibraryMadison Public LibraryMendham Borough LibraryMendham Township LibraryMontville Township Public LibraryMorris County LibraryMorris Plains LibraryMorristown & Morris Township LibraryMount Arlington Public LibraryMount Olive Public LibraryMountain Lakes Public LibraryMountainside Public LibraryNew Providence Memorial LibraryParsippany Library-- Lake Hiawatha Branch Library-- Mt Tabor Branch LibraryPequannock Township Public LibraryRandolph Township Free Public LibraryRaritan Public LibraryRiverdale Public LibraryRockaway Borough Public LibraryRockaway Township Free Public Library-- Hibernia Branch LibraryRoxbury Public LibraryWashington Township Public LibraryWharton Public LibraryWhippanong Library (Hanover) Library Director Name Library Director Email: Library Director Phone: Bib Record Editing Permission Criteria Must have (5+) years of experience working in Technical Services under a supervising librarian. Must have an individual login. Can only edit bib records to which the library is linked. Cannot create, import or delete records. Can only edit fields that can be derived from the item in hand. The item must be in hand. Can do the following minor edits: 1: Add pages, illustrations, and height (in cm) - MARC 300 tag. 2: Correct typos in the title and subtitle - MARC 245 subfields a and b. 3: Add or remove a subtitle - MARC 245 subfield b. The subtitle to be added must be displayed on the title page. 4: Can correct typos and spelling errors in the summary field - MARC 520 tag. 5: Remove the 099 RECORD TO BE UPDATED tag once the edits are complete. Edits to author names are not permitted. Edits will be limited to books only and will not include media. A test of sample records will be completed to evaluate knowledge of required editing before permissions are granted. Requires ability to distinguish which records can be edited and which records need complete updates. For example: a level 8 record that is fully complete except for pages can be edited. A brief level 3 or level 5 record, however, must be submitted for an update. These records may also have a RECORD TO BE UPDATED [YOUR LIBRARY NAME] in the 099 field. A 3-month trial period is required. Please explain how your library will meet the above requirements: Designated Contact Info Note: The designated contact is the person responsible for editing the bib records for your library. ONE is required but you may add more if you wish. Designated Contact Name 1 Designated Contact Email 1: Technical Services Experience: Designated Contact Name 2 Designated Contact Email 2: Technical Services Experience: Designated Contact Name 3 Designated Contact Email 3: Technical Services Experience: Supervising Librarian This is the person that will supervise the designated contact. Librarian Name Librarian Email : Δ