Aspen HQ

Main’s new (so-much-more-than-a) catalog is Aspen Discovery! Aspen is a library discovery layer that allows you to not only search & interact with content from our Polaris catalog, but also digital content from system-wide services like OverDrive (Libby) or PressReader, individual library services like Hoopla or Kanopy, open collections like Digital Public Library of America, and much much more. Each library can customize & optimize content on their distinct Aspen site.

Resources from ByWater (the Aspen people!)
Aspen Discovery Help Center
Aspen Discovery on YouTube
Aspen Education Articles

 In Development / Known Issues  

Placing requests on titles cataloged as serials in Polaris.
Due to an unrealized limitation in Polaris during implementation, there currently is an issue with title requests in Aspen for items cataloged in the ILS as a certain type of serial. We are working to rectify this issue by not cataloging newer titles as “serial”, though in the meantime some attempted requests for titles still cataloged as serials will fail indicating that the hold can not be fulfilled.
Viewing world language title info in non-Roman (vernacular) script.
Viewing native scripts (via a titles MARC 880 tags) for world language titles is currently not available yet in Aspen Discovery, however this is a high priority development request for MAIN. You can however still use non-Roman script to search for titles.
Setting a specific hold activation date.
While the option to “delay” a request doesn’t immediately present itself when placing a hold, you can now go into your account settings and set a specific reactivation (thaw) date when “freezing” a request.